Second external Session and Final meeting
The second external training session and the final meeting of the "European project design and Management Units - EuNIT" were organized at the University of Saint Joseph in Beirut, Lebanon. The events were held on the 3rd and the 4th of October 2019, respectively.
In this context, the UOB trainees (Mrs. Rouba Borgi, Mrs. Eliane Nassar and Rana Chahine) of the University of Balamand have attended and participated in the day dedicated to the external training session. A presentation entitled "
ICM and the lessons learned" was given. The aim of the session is to transfer the acquired skills and expertise in European projects during the cooperation training session, the research training session, the practical placement as well as their experience to the colleagues who are not members of the partner universities involved in the EUNIT project. The external session will raise awareness on European programs among the participants to encourage their participation in EU projects and to contribute to their respective institutions’ internationalization. Also, a UOB member of the consortium (Dr. Antoine Abche) has attended the two events, the external training session and the final EuNIT meeting.
Several topics addressing different EU programs were presented by other trainees from the partner universities and a colleague from the University of Split in the framework of the corresponding Activity T3.5 i.e. organizing the second external training session.
The first day also included a panel in which the partner universities (one member from each university) have presented the main challenges that are faced in setting up the European units in their respective institutions, how the challenges are resolved, the sustainability of the created unit, the recommendations to the interested colleagues and universities in setting-up/installing such unit, ....