Climate change poses a significant threat to public health, with impacts ranging from increased heat-related illnesses and the spread of vector-borne diseases to disruptions in essential resources like food, water, and air quality.
Addressing these challenges requires a multidisciplinary approach, involving governments and stakeholders at all levels to implement effective mitigation and adaptation strategies. In Lebanon, climate change amplifies existing socio- economic vulnerabilities, affecting its densely populated coastal areas and significant refugee communities.
The Climate Change and Health Fellowship Program is an 8-month initiative designed to equip Lebanese government and NGO representatives with the skills needed to tackle climate-related health challenges.
This innovative program, the first of its kind in the region, aims to build the capacity of 15 fellows from diverse ministries and organizations, including public health, environment, agriculture, and relief agencies. Fellows will gain expertise through five graduate- level courses (15 credit units), hands-on training, and cross-disciplinary collaboration. The program will be held from February to June, 2025.