The University of Balamand Medical Center (UOBMC) located in the periphery of the University’s main campus in North of Lebanon, is an extension to the Faculty of Medicine and Medical Sciences. The hospital’s mission is to deliver medical education and research to students and provide adequate and affordable medical care to all patients.
A land area of 140,000 sqm is reserved for the University of Balamand Medical Center project. The built area is estimated at 30,000 sqm and is designed according to the American Facility Guidelines Institute Standards and accredited by the Joint Commission International Accreditation Standards (JCI) fitting to the Safe Health Design (SHD) accreditation standards.
The project is a solution to the local need for more hospitals in North Lebanon, given the fact that The Northern governorate has the lowest number of hospital beds in Lebanon representing only 10% of the total.
The ratio of hospital beds in the North per 10,000 population is 20 (compared to 115 in Beirut), which is 43% below the national average of 35 and the lowest in Lebanon. If we consider private hospitals; the ratio drops to 1 bed per 10,000 population.
Only one hospital in the North has a capacity of more than 150 beds while most of the hospitals (86%) have a capacity of fewer than 100 beds.
The project was a natural step for The University of Balamand in its efforts to support the local community specifically and Lebanon in a broader sense. Overall, there are six community benefits that come with the building of the University of Balamand Medical Center.
Patient Retention: UOBMC which is planned to accommodate 190 hospital beds and 30 outpatient clinics, will offer a full range of inpatient and outpatient healthcare services.
Economic Development: Access to quality healthcare is a primary consideration of many companies considering relocation to the area. Additionally, UOBMC will be a significant employer in the region (expected to employ 500 administrative, nursing and paramedical staff), offering good paying, professional jobs to residents — the type of jobs that keep local young adults in the community after graduation.
Technology: UOBMC will offer the latest in healthcare technology, the only trauma center in the North and access to medical education.
Physician Recruitment: A new hospital, with new services, will help draw physicians to the community, especially the highly-coveted medical specialists and play a role in reversing the brain drain by repatriating successful M.Ds to their homeland.
Talent Retention: Around 400 medical students will be able to fulfill their training obligations without the need to relocate to Beirut.