La tradition manuscrite du lectionnaire dans l'église Antiochienne Orthodoxe.

La tradition manuscrite du lectionnaire dans l'église Antiochienne Orthodoxe.
IIIum Symposium Syro-Arabicum,
Kaslik, 3-7 February 2015

Antiochian and international libraries hold many Arabic manuscripts of the four Gospels. Most of these are lectionaries, collections of scriptural readings for specific liturgical use. Fewer manuscripts present the text in its usual or canonical sequence. Surprisingly, despite their numerical prevalence, the lectionary Gospels have received limited attention from scholars, orientalists, and those working on critical editions of the four Gospels. To address this gap, the Digital Humanities Centre at the University of Balamand has launched a project to create a database of the liturgical Gospel text from these manuscripts. This resource aims to make it easier for researchers to study the Gospels as they appear in liturgical settings.