The Arabic-Syriac Liturgical Manuscripts In The Rūm Orthodox Church Of Antioch

The Arabic-Syriac Liturgical Manuscripts In The Rūm Orthodox Church Of Antioch: A Survivor Of An Extinct Tradition University of Balamand, 16-18 October 2023

The goal of this paper is to present and highlight the last surviving physical evidence of the Chalcedonian Syriac heritage in the Rūm Orthodox Church of Antioch before it was gradually abandoned by the seventeenth century.To achieve this purpose, the article will take a two-pronged approach: First, by presenting the bilingual Arabic-Syriac liturgical manuscripts that have survived and are found in three monasteries in North Lebanon and in the patriarchal library in Damascus. These manuscripts' contents will be identified and presented in addition to their codicological and paleographical traits. Second, several textual characteristics of this corpus will be examined in the context of the Byzantinazation movement, which was widely carried out in the seventeenth century by Metropolitan Meletius Karma.
