Lectures and conferences
- - Kalindjian, R. (2024, July 8th-10th). Co-organization of the conference on Exploring Armenian Edifices in Cilicia: Orientalism and Western Travellers to the Levant, 1500-1950, at the Fifty-Fifty International Conference, organized online in collaboration with Oxford University and the ARAM Society for Syro-Mesopotamian Studies. Online at (Oxford)
- - Antaki, P. (2024, June 7-8). Co-organization of the conference on “Passés recomposés : Cent ans de fouilles archéologiques à Beyrouth” at USJ, Bibliothèque Orientale.
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- - Co-organization of a conference on Beirut: “Passés recomposés : Cent ans de fouilles archéologiques à Beyrouth”. Held in USJ, Bibliothque Orientale on June 7th and 8th.
- - Kalindjian, R. (2024, June 7), KALLIPOLIS, la ‘belle cité’ byzantine de Beyrouth, at the conference on “Passés recomposés : Cent ans de fouilles archéologiques à Beyrouth” (USJ).
- - Antaki, P. (2024, June 7), Beyrouth la résiliente: naissance et renaissances de la ville médiévale at the conference on “Passés recomposés : Cent ans de fouilles archéologiques à Beyrouth” (USJ).
- - Antaki, P. (2024, June 1st), Per visibilia ad invisibilia : regards sur quelques installations liturgiques des églises protobyzantines du Liban at the conference on « L’architecture religieuse romaienne au Liban en hommage à Alexis Boutros » organized by the University of Balamand and the cultural Romaian association (Alba, Beirut).
- - Antaki, P. (2024, April 26), D’un sacré à l’autre. Les origines antiques des colonnettes dites guérisseuses de quelques lieux de culte libanais at the conference on « L’art chrétien dans le patriarcat d’Antioche. Regards sur un patrimoine culturel”, organized by the Greek-catholic Patriarchate of Antioch (Greek-Catholic Patriarchate at Raboueh).
- - Antaki, P. (2024, March 27), Crusader Beirut: A Tale of War and Peace, lecture at the AUB Archaeological Museum.
- - Antaki, P. (2023, July 14), Take and eat… Ancient bread stamps from Lebanon. ARAM Society for Syrio-Mesopotamian Studies: Fifty-Fourth International Conference held in Oxford on July 13th and 14th.
- - Kalindjian, R. (2023, July), In the heart of Byzantine Beirut. ARAM Society for Syrio-Mesopotamian Studies: Fifty-Fourth International Conference held in Oxford on July 13th and 14th.
- - Antaki, P. (2023, February 15), Beirut walls, Topography and Urban Dynamics of a Levantine City from the Bronze Age to the Ottoman Period, International Association for Archaeological Research in Western and Central Asia (ARWA).
- Antaki, P. (2022, December 8,9), The Koura Region in the Medieval Period. The Inner Countryside of the Central Levant – Historical and Archaeology perspective, The University of Udine.
- - Blue, L. & Semaan, L. (2017, April 10-11-12). Maritime Archaeology and the role of the Honor Frost Foundation (HFF) in Lebanon: New Horizons and Opportunities. Lecture presented in LU, Tripoli-Beirut-Sidon.
- - Panayot-Haroun, N. (2017, March 30). Saving The Tangible and Intangible Heritage of Anfeh. Lecture presented in Jacobo Auditorium, Balamand.
- - Panayot-Haroun, N.(2017, October 6). Préserver le village côtier d’Enfeh au Liban; Étude de cas", Lecture presented at Un littoral, Des Littoraux: Le patrimoine naturel et culturel du littoral en Méditerranée in MuCEM, Marseille.
- - Panayot-Haroun N.& Semaan, L. (2017, October 20). Preserving the Landscape of Anfeh: From Nature to Culture. Lecture presented at Under The Mediterranean: In the Footsteps of Honor Frost in Nicosia, Cyprus.
- - Panayot-Haroun, N. & Semaan, L. (2017, October 26-29). Enemy ships at Ampi: a cry from Byblos. Lecture presented at Tyre, Sidon and Byblos: Three Global harbors of the Ancient World in Beirut.
- - Semaan, L. et al. (2017, October 20). From One to Many: How Honor Frost’s legacy shapes early career scholars. Lecture presented at Under The Mediterranean: In the Footsteps of Honor Frost in Nicosia, Cyprus.
- - بنايوت هارون ن. ( ٢٠١٧، ٤-٥ كانون الأول ). الطرق المعتمدة للمحافظة على شط أنفه. محاضرة ألقيت خلال موْتمر: الشاطئ اللبناني و الخطة الشاملة لترتيب الأراضي في نقابة المهندسين، بيروت.
- - Panayot-Haroun, N. (2016, August 10). Summary of the Historical, Archaeological and Socio-economic Heritage of Anfeh. Lecture presented in the Municipality of Anfeh, Anfeh.
- - Panayot-Haroun, N. (2016, November 30). Saving The heritage of Anfeh: Archaeology and Ethnography. Lecture presented in AUB Archaeological Museum, Beirut.
- - Semaan, L. (2016, February 23). Aspects of Coastal Archaeology in Lebanon. Lecture presented in University of Southampton, Southampton.
- - Semaan, L. (2016, June 2). Documentation et sauvegarde du patrimoine culturel subaquatique au Liban, un exemple dans le cadre de la Convention de 2001 dans les pays Arabes. Lecture presented at La deuxième Réunion Régionale sur la Protection du patrimoine culturel subaquatique in Hôtel Cantor Terminus, Rabat.
- - Semaan, L. (2016, November 28-December 2). Maritime Archaeology in Post-War Lebanon: Trade, Challenges, and Future Prospects. Lecture presented at The Sixth International Congress for Underwater Archaeology (IKUWA6) in Western Australian Maritime Museum, Fremantle.
- - Panayot-Haroun, N. (2015, February 16-20). Layered Beirut, Layered Lebanon. Réflexions Sur La Marque Liban: Recherche Conceptuelle Et Propositions Graphiques . Lecture presented at Liban Image et Identité, in ALBA, Sin El Fil.
- - Panayot-Haroun, N. (2015, September 28). Anfeh Unveiled. Lecture presented at AMPL in AUB, Beirut.
- - Panayot-Haroun, N. & Abdul Massih, J. (2015, December 18). L’espace sacré de la ville de Cyrrhus . Lecture presented at L’espace sacré en Syrie du Nord à l’époque protobyzantine (IVe-VIIe siècles) in Institut national d’histoire de l’art, Paris.
- - Semaan, L. (2015, March 20). Maritime Archaeology in Lebanon: State of the Art and Future Prospects. Lecture presented at HFF-CNRSL Seminar on Maritime Archaeology in Lebanon in Beirut.
- - Semaan, L. (2015, May). Timbers used in traditional boatbuilding in Saudi Arabia. Lecture presented at Red Sea conference VII in Napoli and Procida.
- - Panayot-Haroun, N. (2014, February). Méthodologie de prospection appliquée à Enfeh. Lecture presented in IFPO, Beirut.
- - Panayot-Haroun, N. (2014, April 24-26). Survey: Applied methodology in Anfeh, Lebanon. Lecture presented at 18th Symposium on Mediterranean Archaeology (SOMA) in Wroclaw.
- - Panayot-Haroun, N. (2014, June 4). Could Archaeology Become a Spearhead for the Development of EcoTourism? A Case Study: Anfeh, Lebanon. Lecture presented at Takaful 2014: Fourth Annual Conference on Arab Philanthropy and Civic Engagement in AUB, Beirut.
- - Panayot-Haroun, N. (2014, November 19-22). Anfeh: Survey and Excavation Project. Lecture presented at The American Schools of Oriental research (ASOR) 2014 Annual Meeting in The Westin San Diego Hotel, San Diego.
- - بنايوت-هارون ن. ( ٢٠١٤، شباط). أنفه: آثار وتراث . محاضرة ألقيت في بلدية أنفه، أنفه.
- - Panayot-Haroun, N. (2013, April). Archaeology to promote sustainable development. A case study: Anfeh, Lebanon", Lecture presented at 17th SOMA in Moscow.
- - Panayot-Haroun, N. et al. (Organizers). (2013, December 13-15). La lumière dans les religions du Livre: une approche pluridisciplinaire. Colloquium held in IFPO, Beirut & Université de Balamand, Balamand.
- - Panayot-Haroun, N. & Abdul Massih, J. (2012, November). An Assessment of the Lebanese Heritage Law: From the twentieth to the twenty-first century. Lecture presented at Protecting the Cultural and Archaeological Heritage of The Mediterranean Region: Legal Issues - Leventis Foundation in Cyprus.
- - Kallas, N. (2011) Un flacon de verre miniature inedit des fouilles du monastere Notre Dame de Balamand. Baal 14, P. 103-129. Lecture presented at Balamand on the 2nd of December 2010.
- - Panayot-Haroun, N. (2011, April 6). Activités et nouvelles données sur le patrimoine du monastère "Notre-Dame de Balamand". Lecture presented in AUB Museum, Beirut.
- - Panayot-Haroun, N. (2010, April). Les résultats de la première campagne de fouille 2009, de la basilique de Cyrrhus. Lecture presented at IFPO, Beirut.
- - Panayot-Haroun, N. (2010, May 5). Challenges in teaching and probing approaches to teaching Culture. Lecture presented Cultural Studies Program Forum (CVSP) in AUB, Beirut.
- - Panayot-Haroun, N. (2010, December 2). Aux origines du monastère "Notre Dame de Balamand". Lecture presented at Le Monastère Patriarcal Notre Dame de Balamand, Archéologie, Étude du Bâti et Patrimoine Mobilier in UOB, Balamand.
- - Panayot-Haroun, N. (2009, May). Quelques villes hellénistiques sur la côte Syro Phénicienne. Lecture presented at IFPO, Beirut.
- - Panayot-Haroun, N. (2005, April). La collection archéologique et cultuelle du monastère patriarcal de Balamand. Lecture presented at IFPO, Beirut.
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Panayot-Haroun, N. (2000, May). Naissance et mort d’une cité, l’exemple de Mari et de Doura Europos. Lecture presented at UOB, Beirut.