Lectures and conferences

  • - Kalindjian, R. (2024, July 8th-10th). Co-organization of the conference on Exploring Armenian Edifices in Cilicia: Orientalism and Western Travellers to the Levant, 1500-1950, at the Fifty-Fifty International Conference, organized online in collaboration with Oxford University and the ARAM Society for Syro-Mesopotamian Studies. Online at (Oxford)

  • - Antaki, P. (2024, June 7-8). Co-organization of the conference on “Passés recomposés : Cent ans de fouilles archéologiques à Beyrouth” at USJ, Bibliothèque Orientale.

  • - Links??

  • - Co-organization of a conference on Beirut: “Passés recomposés : Cent ans de fouilles archéologiques à Beyrouth”. Held in USJ, Bibliothque Orientale on June 7th and 8th.

  • - Kalindjian, R. (2024, June 7), KALLIPOLIS, la ‘belle cité’ byzantine de Beyrouth, at the conference on “Passés recomposés : Cent ans de fouilles archéologiques à Beyrouth” (USJ).

  • - Antaki, P. (2024, June 7), Beyrouth la résiliente: naissance et renaissances de la ville médiévale at the conference on “Passés recomposés : Cent ans de fouilles archéologiques à Beyrouth” (USJ).

  • - Antaki, P. (2024, June 1st), Per visibilia ad invisibilia : regards sur quelques installations liturgiques des églises protobyzantines du Liban at the conference on « L’architecture religieuse romaienne au Liban en hommage à Alexis Boutros » organized by the University of Balamand and the cultural Romaian association (Alba, Beirut).

  • - Antaki, P. (2024, April 26), D’un sacré à l’autre. Les origines antiques des colonnettes dites guérisseuses de quelques lieux de culte libanais at the conference on « L’art chrétien dans le patriarcat d’Antioche. Regards sur un patrimoine culturel”, organized by the Greek-catholic Patriarchate of Antioch (Greek-Catholic Patriarchate at Raboueh).

  • - Antaki, P. (2024, March 27), Crusader Beirut: A Tale of War and Peace, lecture at the AUB Archaeological Museum.


  • - Antaki, P. (2022, December 8,9), The Koura Region in the Medieval Period. The Inner Countryside of the Central Levant – Historical and Archaeology perspective, The University of Udine.



  • - Panayot-Haroun, N. (2015, February 16-20). Layered Beirut, Layered Lebanon. Réflexions Sur La Marque Liban: Recherche Conceptuelle Et Propositions Graphiques . Lecture presented at Liban Image et Identité, in ALBA, Sin El Fil.
  • - Panayot-Haroun, N. (2015, September 28). Anfeh Unveiled. Lecture presented at AMPL in AUB, Beirut.
  • - Panayot-Haroun, N. & Abdul Massih, J. (2015, December 18). L’espace sacré de la ville de Cyrrhus . Lecture presented at L’espace sacré en Syrie du Nord à l’époque protobyzantine (IVe-VIIe siècles) in Institut national d’histoire de l’art, Paris.
  • - Semaan, L. (2015, March 20). Maritime Archaeology in Lebanon: State of the Art and Future Prospects. Lecture presented at HFF-CNRSL Seminar on Maritime Archaeology in Lebanon in Beirut.
  • - Semaan, L. (2015, May). Timbers used in traditional boatbuilding in Saudi Arabia. Lecture presented at Red Sea conference VII in Napoli and Procida.

  • - Panayot-Haroun, N. (2014, February). Méthodologie de prospection appliquée à Enfeh. Lecture presented in IFPO, Beirut.
  • - Panayot-Haroun, N. (2014, April 24-26). Survey: Applied methodology in Anfeh, Lebanon. Lecture presented at 18th Symposium on Mediterranean Archaeology (SOMA) in Wroclaw.
  • - Panayot-Haroun, N. (2014, June 4). Could Archaeology Become a Spearhead for the Development of EcoTourism? A Case Study: Anfeh, Lebanon. Lecture presented at Takaful 2014: Fourth Annual Conference on Arab Philanthropy and Civic Engagement in AUB, Beirut.
  • - Panayot-Haroun, N. (2014, November 19-22). Anfeh: Survey and Excavation Project. Lecture presented at The American Schools of Oriental research (ASOR) 2014 Annual Meeting in The Westin San Diego Hotel, San Diego.
  • - بنايوت-هارون ن. ( ٢٠١٤، شباط). أنفه: آثار وتراث . محاضرة ألقيت في بلدية أنفه، أنفه.

  • - Panayot-Haroun, N. (2013, April). Archaeology to promote sustainable development. A case study: Anfeh, Lebanon", Lecture presented at 17th SOMA in Moscow.
  • - Panayot-Haroun, N. et al. (Organizers). (2013, December 13-15). La lumière dans les religions du Livre: une approche pluridisciplinaire. Colloquium held in IFPO, Beirut & Université de Balamand, Balamand.
  • - Panayot-Haroun, N. & Abdul Massih, J. (2012, November). An Assessment of the Lebanese Heritage Law: From the twentieth to the twenty-first century. Lecture presented at Protecting the Cultural and Archaeological Heritage of The Mediterranean Region: Legal Issues - Leventis Foundation in Cyprus.

  • - Kallas, N. (2011) Un flacon de verre miniature inedit des fouilles du monastere Notre Dame de Balamand. Baal 14, P. 103-129. Lecture presented at Balamand on the 2nd of December 2010.
  • - Panayot-Haroun, N. (2011, April 6). Activités et nouvelles données sur le patrimoine du monastère "Notre-Dame de Balamand". Lecture presented in AUB Museum, Beirut.
  • - Panayot-Haroun, N. (2010, April). Les résultats de la première campagne de fouille 2009, de la basilique de Cyrrhus. Lecture presented at IFPO, Beirut.
  • - Panayot-Haroun, N. (2010, May 5). Challenges in teaching and probing approaches to teaching Culture. Lecture presented Cultural Studies Program Forum (CVSP) in AUB, Beirut.
  • - Panayot-Haroun, N. (2010, December 2). Aux origines du monastère "Notre Dame de Balamand". Lecture presented at Le Monastère Patriarcal Notre Dame de Balamand, Archéologie, Étude du Bâti et Patrimoine Mobilier in UOB, Balamand.

  • - Panayot-Haroun, N. (2009, May). Quelques villes hellénistiques sur la côte Syro Phénicienne. Lecture presented at IFPO, Beirut.

  • - Panayot-Haroun, N. (2005, April). La collection archéologique et cultuelle du monastère patriarcal de Balamand. Lecture presented at IFPO, Beirut.
  • - Panayot-Haroun, N. (2000, May). Naissance et mort d’une cité, l’exemple de Mari et de Doura Europos. Lecture presented at UOB, Beirut.