Assisted Reproductive Techniques (ART) and In Vitro fertilization

Location: The classes will be offered online through WebEx.
Term: Summer Semester AY22/23
Department: Medical Laboratory Sciences Department
Credits: 1 credit
Dates: Mon 07/10/2023 - Fri 07/14/2023
Class Times: M Tu W Th F, 5:00 - 8:00pm
Course Instructor: Mrs. Mona Naim: UOB graduate IVF specialist; Mrs. Jessy Kfoury: Senior Laboratory Scientist IVF Centre Saint Georges Hospital, Mrs. Lina Raoub Excutive assistant at Saint Georges Hospital
Contact: Dr. Abir Abdel Rahman; email:
Prerequisite: NA

DescriptionThis course is an overview of assisted reproductive techniques covering a review of male and female reproductive anatomy and physiology, the causes of infertility, basic diagnostic tests for assessing the most common causes of infertility, and their interpretation. 

Treatments discussed include medical therapies, the role of selected surgical procedures, and the various types of ART procedures and their clinical indications including IVF, GIFT, ZIFT, Intra-Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI). 

A review of genetics includes information about preimplantation genetic diagnosis. One section of the course covers cryopreservation that is freezing of gametes and embryos.
