GEOAI01 - Mastering GIS

  1. Explore the fundamentals of ArcGIS Pro
  2. Delve into Python programming tailored for GIS and automation
  3. Equip yourself with essential data engineering skills
  4. Deepen your understanding of spatial analysis techniques

This course offers a comprehensive introduction to GIS and Python concepts and tools essential for visualizing real-world features, discovering patterns, and communicating information effectively. Participants engage in hands-on activities, working with GIS maps, exploring data, and analyzing spatial information. The course covers key areas such as working with ArcGIS Pro, including geodatabase management, precise data manipulation, visualization techniques, and collaboration options. Additionally, attendees delve into Python programming tailored for GIS and automation, learning fundamentals, ArcPy scripting, and utilizing the ArcGIS API for Python. Essential data engineering skills are also covered, including familiarization with data engineering tools, manipulation, and visualization libraries like Numpy, Matplotlib, Pandas, and Seaborn, alongside working with Spatially Enabled DataFrame for seamless integration of spatial and tabular data. Furthermore, advanced spatial analysis techniques such as raster analysis, spatial statistics, time series analysis, regression, and interpolation are explored, providing participants with a robust skill set to tackle real-world spatial data challenges efficiently and effectively.

This course will cover the below topics:

• ArcGIS , a holistic overview
• Getting started with ArcGIS Pro
• Managing geodatabase
• Editing Workflow
• Python Basics for Spatial Data Science
• Python in ArcGIS Pro
• Arcpy

• ArcGIS API for Python
• Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Seaborne
• Spatial Statistics
• Introduction to Spatial Machine Learning
• Introduction to ArcGIS Notebooks
• ArcGIS Geostatistical tool
