History Mission

Users of the UOB Libraries expect to have a pleasant and productive environment for study and research. To ensure this surrounding, the following Code of Conduct has been formulated.

Users are asked to familiarize themselves with this policy and abide by the rules it establishes.
  • Good order and quiet should be maintained in all public reading areas.
  • Users should respect the sound level policy and abide by the signs available on each floor.
  • Group work is allowed only in specified areas.
  • Smoking is not allowed at any time or in any area of the Library.
  • Food and beverages are not allowed in the Library. Exception is made for drinks in non-paper sealed containers.
  • Books and materials charged to a user's record are the user's responsibility. It is expected that books will be returned in good condition unmarked and without evidence of damage. Borrowers will be held responsible for materials returned damaged. If the book to be checked out is already damaged, this should be brought to the attention of the Circulation Assistant who will make a note of the damage so that users will not be held responsible.
  • ID cards are not transferable and should not be loaned to other people. Missing or stolen cards should be reported to the Office of Admissions and Registration.
  • For security purposes:
    • Do not tamper with lights, machines or PCs.
    • Use Library equipment carefully and follow instructions for use. Refer to the librarian or assistant on duty when facing problems with machines and/or materials.
    • Do not move furniture.
    • Do not use manual fire alarm except in fire emergencies. If tampered with, there is a fine for misuse.
  • Out of consideration for others, please:
    • Do not sit on tables.
    • Do not put feet up on tables or chairs.
    • Put cellular phones off or on silent mode.
    • Do not re-shelve Library materials or put them on the floor. Leave them on tables or in other designated areas.
    • Keep the Library clean and tidy at all times. Waste bins are provided.
    • Do not reserve desks or chairs.

Library staff members have the responsibility of ensuring that this code is adhered to at all times.