Responsibility of Requestors:
Users are requested to check whether the item in available at UOB or not before submitting an ILL-DDS request. Please refer to:
Inter-campus Loan (circulating materials between campuses)
Library users on different campuses have equal access to library materials. They can request a library item available in a branch library to be delivered to their campus.
For Inter-Campus Loan please:
- Login to MyAccount
- Search the library catalog for the book you would like to have;
- Click on “place hold” and choose your campus.
The library will notify you once the book is available at your campus library.
Lending library materials to other libraries
The University of Balamand Libraries support sharing library materials and welcome interlibrary loan requests from other libraries. Our Library is a member of the Lebanese Interlibrary Loan and Document Supply consortium (LIDS), which supports information sharing among its members. In addition, the libraries have mutual agreements with many institutions abroad to share library materials.