Département de Langue et de Littérature Françaises

Si c’est l’amour des lettres et le souci de mieux comprendre la relation au monde qui vous ont conduits à faire un pas vers nous, Si c’est la passion de la langue française et celle des nouvelles technologies qui vous animent, Le Département de Langue et de Littérature Françaises de l’Université de Balamand avec ses deux options (Littérature Française et FLE/S (Français Langue Etrangère et Seconde)) est prêt à vous accueillir pour la réalisation de vos objectifs.

Les enseignements dispensés au sein de notre département prônent une ouverture pluridisciplinaire facilitant l’accès à un large horizon dans le monde professionnel : Enseignement de la littérature française, Enseignement du français langue étrangère et seconde, Critique littéraire, Journalisme littéraire, Métiers de la communication, de la culture et de l’information., Edition et Métiers du livre et Recherche.

Après l’obtention de leur Master, les étudiants ont la possibilité de s’orienter vers une formation doctorale dans les domaines littéraires et/ou linguistiques.

Pourquoi Balamand?
Le Département de Langue et de Littérature Françaises de l’Université de Balamand:
  • - Consacre l’unité et la cohérence de son programme à la réflexion sur les aspects, l’évolution, et la traversée des puissances à l’œuvre dans l’espace littéraire d’une culture, d’une époque, ou d’un auteur.

  • - Présente la possibilité d’une option FLE/S, Français Langue Etrangère et Seconde. Cette formation est basée d’un côté sur les enseignements de la linguistique dans toutes ses branches, et d’un autre côté sur l’acquisition des méthodes appropriées au plurilinguisme et à la didactique des langues étrangères et secondes ainsi que sur le maniement des nouvelles technologies de l’information et de la communication (TIC) mises au service de l’enseignement de la langue française.

Ce département offre aux étudiants plus qu’une formation solide en langue et en littérature françaises, une ouverture vers d’autres horizons: la traduction, le journalisme, la bibliothéconomie, les arts plastiques, la musique, le théâtre… Enseignements dispensés dans le cadre de sous-spécialisations ou « mineures ».

Nos Diplômes

Nos mineures
Mineure en littérature moderne et Mineure en langue française

Bachelor of Arts in French Language and Literature

Program Learning Objectives

To train students to analyze and acquire a critical thinking.

  • - To offer students a French and francophone literary culture of the 19th and 20th centuries.

  • - To initiate learners to literary problematics and approaches used in the analysis of these problematics.

  • - To highlight the importance of cultural and social values in the evolution of the society.

  • - To sensitize students to the interferences of literature with other disciplines.

  • - To teach students to express themselves clearly and accurately, level B2 and C1 both orally and in writing.

  • - To initiate learners to the different linguistic domains mainly phonetics, phonology, morphology and syntax.

  • - To initiate learners to metalinguistic reflection.

  • - To initiate learners to the use of technologies throughout the learning process.

  • - To initiate students to scientific research and the writing of a research project.

Program Learning Outcomes

  1. Students should be able to express themselves orally or in writing (in level B2 and C1).

  2. Students should be able to identify errors and correct erroneous statements in French following a metalinguistic approach.

  3. Students should be able to communicate and speak out in public to make a presentation or to participate/moderate a debate.

  4. Students should acquire a large culture regarding French and francophone literatures of the 19th and the 20th centuries.

  5. Students should be able to locate a work in literary history, and identify the aestheticism to which it belongs.

  6. Students should be able to understand and comment on a literary work.

  7. Students should be able to use the necessary approaches for the analysis of literary texts.

  8. Students should be able to analyze relationships that other disciplines have with literature: historical, artistic, philosophical and psychological thoughts.

  9. Students should be able to develop critical thinking and analytical skills through synthesis, dissertations, composite commentaries and the research in general.

  10. Students should be able to distinguish the references of good quality and use them in the research.

  11. Students should be able to submit a research project at the end of the semester.

  12. Students should be able to use information and communication technology data throughout the learning process.

Master of Arts in French Language and Literature

Program Learning Objectives

Master in French Language and Literature; option Literature, aims at initiating the students to:
  • - The critical historical thinking, mobilizing the tools and the concepts of the theoretical research.

  • - The analytical approaches of literary texts.

  • - The autonomous recognition and localization of the main relevant literary research axes.

  • - The research process in a precise theoretical and methodological framework.

  • - The elaboration of a research thesis.

Program Learning Outcomes

Upon graduation with a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Sciences, students will be able to:

  • - Students should be able to use different critical literary approaches in the research.

  • - Students should acquire a generic and thematic literary culture.

  • - Students should be able to conduct a research regarding a specific literary domain (author, work, and genre).

  • - Students should be able to build a reasoned argumentation.

  • - Students should be able to identify literary problematics and analyze them.

  • - Students should present regularly and especially at the end of the semester a research work in each course.

  • - Students should be able to write a thesis in the field of French or francophone literature, to be defended before a jury.

After Graduation
The multidisciplinary nature of any degree in Science provides science graduates with the vital skill of multitasking and the ability to look at life’s problems from various angles. The potential fields of employment such as Manager of Natural Resources, Ecologist, Environmental Scientist, Ecotoxicologist, Water Quality Specialist, Water Industry Laboratory Specialist, Water Conservation Specialist, Water Purification Specialist, Water Resource Planner and Educator represent a small fraction of the possibilities for graduates from our department.
