Residual training effect of basket-ball on bone mass

Residual training effect of basket-ball on bone mass

Georgino Al Chalouhi has successfully completed his PhD in Sports Science, exploring the effects of basket-ball practice on bone health parameters in adult men. Dr. Rawad El Hage, Faculty of Arts and Sciences Professor at the University of Balamand, and Dr. Gautier Zunquin from University of Pau and the Adour Region supervised the dissertation.

Georgino's research led to the publication of two papers. Professor El Hage expressed pride in the results, emphasizing the positive effects of basket-ball practice on bone health and physical performance parameters.

In summary, practicing basket-ball while a male is still in his adolescence and young adulthood years could have a preventive effect against fractures resulting from osteoporosis later in life. On another hand, our results showed positive correlations between maximal strength indices and bone parameters in young adult men. ​
