Iraj Zandi Awarded to Professor Mervat El Hoz

The Journal of Solid Waste Technology and Management presented the Environmental Engineering Professor Mervat El Hoz the Iraj Zandi Award for her contributions to the solid waste management field. The award was given at the annual International Conference on Solid Waste Technology and Management, which was held on March 31 - April 3 in Washington D.C. USA.
The Iraj Zandi Award was established in 1999 to recognize an individual who has contributed significantly to the advancement of the field of solid waste technology and management by inspiring others to pursue careers in that field. The award is usually presented to persons who, like Dr. Zandi, have inspired others to contribute to this important field.
Professor El Hoz received many international and national Honors and Awards in the field of Solid Waste Management and Environmental in general. She is Author of over 100 scientific publications in international journals and conference proceedings: scientific papers, key-note speaker lectures, chapters in books and technical reports. She is a member of the Editorial Boards of many International Journals, and scientific committees in international conferences. Between 1998 to 2002 she served as a senior environmental expert at the World Bank, Council for Development and Reconstruction on Solid Waste / Environmental Management, Lebanon and as a senior environmental expert for EU, UNDP, and USAID projects in solid waste, water, wastewater, and air pollution from 2002 till today.
Her main research interests currently are environment and sustainable development; solid and hazardous waste management; water resources; water and wastewater treatment technology and management; air pollution control and Climate Change effects; environmental impact and risk assessment.