Assistant Professor, Nursing Program
The Nursing Program at FHS-UOB offers a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) in
English and French, and a Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) in English in two fields
of specialization: Adult Care and Neonatal and Child Care. The BSN program
is competency based and student-centered and is recognized at the national and international
levels. It embraces an evidence-based health care education underpinned by research
and ethics. In addition to the generic curriculum designed to foster students’ critical
thinking and clinical reasoning, the Program offers a TS-BSN ladder program that
bridges between technical and university education. Our curriculum is continuously
updated to meet the ever-changing health education and healthcare needs. Offering
the program in two languages and on three campuses: Koura, Beirut and Souk El Ghareb
makes it more accessible for the public. The Program offers scholarships and significant
financial aid in addition to work opportunities.
The Nursing Program works in partnership with Saint George Hospital University Medical
Center (SGHUMC) and Mount Lebanon Hospital – University Medical Center. It has also
developed MOUs with different experiential learning settings in Beirut, the North
as well as the Chouf and the Jabal areas where students can practice at the primary,
secondary, and tertiary levels of health care. Currently, the Program is in the
process of seeking initial ACEN accreditation. We were among the leading universities
that developed the laws and regulations that govern nursing education and scope
of practice in Lebanon. Nursing faculty members organized and participated in more
than 50 capacity building Projects in collaboration with governmental and non-governmental
organizations, continuing education, and higher education. Moreover, the Program
was involved in health awareness campaigns that target the public, nurses, and health
care providers nationally and regionally. The Nursing Program received two awards
from the Scientific Society of Arab Nursing Faculties (SSAF): Distinguished Research
Award and Student Creativity Award. It was represented and took a significant role
in the National Nursing Development Project (NNDP). Moreover, as a Nursing Program,
we actively participated in launching the vaccination center at UOB. Students and
faculty members are running the process of vaccination following national and international
guidance. On the International Year of the Nurse (2020), we declare that becoming
a nurse is one of the most selfless acts a person can undertake to care of the individual,
family, and community. Our Nursing Program offers quality education that aims at
developing the competencies of a distinguished professional nurse in a country and
region that suffer from shortage in the nursing workforce.
Nathalie Mounayar
joined the MLS Program at UOB in 2017 as an
undergraduate student.
I joined the Nursing Program at UOB in 2010 as an undergraduate student. I was active
and engaged in faculty student life as Club President of the Nursing Society in
2013. I had a good academic performance and a high dedication to give the proper
image of our profession, therefore, I received the Nursing Student of the Year Award
granted by Beirut Lions Club in 2014. After graduating I joined Saint George Hospital
University Medical Center as a medical surgical Registered Nurse and became one
of the Balamand Nursing Students Preceptors. During Covid 19 pandemic, I worked
passionately as one of the front liners beside the patients to deliver the highest
quality of care and give them the highest support. I am currently pursuing a higher
degree in nursing, the MSN in Adult Care Nursing, also at Balamand, as I believe
that my educational goals are in line with what Balamand has to offer.
Carina Boghossian
Nursing Student
It has been a long hard walk. Nursing had prepared me, built my confidence, and
showed me that i can handle more than i thought i ever could. It taught me how to
hold my tears during the toughest situations. This journey of mine has been overwhelmed
by endless study nights, tiring clinical rotations but I am forever grateful for
it showed me how to adapt and continue to give my all. I want to thank my beloved
University of Balamand and my insightful instructors for their sacrifice, patience,
and their continuous support, because thanks to them, i have become the best version
of myself, and will forever pour everything in me to witness a patient's smile.
Karim El Ferkh
PhD – University of Edinburgh
The Nursing program at the University of Balamand
has always been my most wonderful learning
experience and lives up to its reputation of having
great intellectual teachers and advisors and a
competitive environment. I thank the Faculty of
Health Sciences for giving me the opportunity to
be part of a prestigious organization like UoB. The
knowledge and skills I have garnered over my time
there have helped me propel my career; from being
the Valedictorian at my commencement all the way
to the clinical researcher I am today, working with
the United Nations and Ministry of Public Health.
Pamela Zeinoun
Nursing Alumni
You all should be proud of yourselves for being part of the University of Balamand.
We have been granted the basis of everything we know from the most prestigious and
most welcoming university. This basis that was worked on by many instructors and
professors is what makes us as good today. For nursing students specifically, you
are doing the right thing and do not let anyone convince you otherwise. There will
come a day when you experience that there is nothing more noble than what you are
doing. I can promise you that you will be fully equipped with the knowledge, the
know-how and the care needed to start your journey as a Nurse. I was part of the
August 4, 2020, blast and the experience was devastating, but all what made the
difference was taking the right decision: the decision of becoming a nurse, to be
there at the right time and the right place and finally to be able to rescue three
premature babies from the effect of the blast successfully. I personally am forever
grateful to be a graduate of the nursing program at the University of Balamand.
4 years, 118 credits
over 1.5 year for student who had scored more than 12/20 in the official exams,
should successfully complete 52 credits to receive a BSN.
All other holders of TS in nursing who had scored less than 12/20 in the official
exams may join the BSN program after meeting the University admission requirements
concerning English or French, in addition to 12 credits remedial courses. The student
must take at least 91 credits of which 26 are the courses mandatory and the rest
can be earned by examination. The program is the same as that of the BT-BSN.
at least 91 credits over three years
MSN in Adult Care
2-4 years 36 credits
MSN in Neonatology and Pediatric Care
2-4 years 36 credits