
APRIL 19, 2024

Inauguration of Elias Rahbani Academy at the University of Balamand

Inauguration of Elias Rahbani Academy at the University of Balamand

The inauguration of the Elias Rahbani Academy took place at the University of Balamand (UOB), Koura campus on April 18, 2024, under the patronage and presence of His Beatitude Patriarch John X, Patriarch of Antioch and All the East, Former Prime Minister H.E. Tammam Salam, Deputy Speaker of the Parliament H.E. Elias Bou Saab, the Minister of Culture Judge Mohammad Mortada, the former Minister of Defense Mrs. Zeina Akar, President of the University of Balamand, Dr. Elias Warrak and Mr. Ghassan Rahbani. In addition to a large number of political, religious, artistic, educational, and media figures, deans and directors at the university, as well as a notable presence of the local community.

The Academy aims to collaborate with esteemed professors and musicians to uphold the highest educational standards for students aspiring to pursue musical studies. Mr. Ghassan Rahbani oversees their musical journey, providing support and guidance to talented students. It is important to note that the certificates granted by the Elias Rahbani Academy are accredited by the Lebanese Ministry of Education.

This collaboration between the UOB and the Elias Rahbani Academy aligns with the essence and the shared cultural aspects of both institutions, which aim at enhancing cultural education and promoting distinguished art and music, especially the music and approach of the late Elias Rahbani as he paved the way in musical education for all and in various fields including Western and Eastern music.

His Beatitude Patriarch John X praised the work of the Rahbani family, which “imbued words with poetry, baptized them with melody and adorned them with rhythm, making them dance as a melody on the lips of generations”. He expressed: “Today, we inaugurate this academy, in an attempt to capture the brilliance of Elias Rahbani's music through it. Today, we honor the legacy of Elias Rahbani through his dear son Ghassan, who developed the idea of the Academy and executed it with the University of Balamand”.

As for the Minister of Culture, Judge Mohammad Mortada celebrated the University of Balamand as a beacon of knowledge, literature, and theology, highlighting how it shapes students' understanding and broadens their horizons. As for the inauguration of the Elias Rahbani Academy at the university, he expressed: “Today, the University of Balamand takes on more educational and cultural duties. It is now home to the Elias Rahbani Academy, offering students a path to goodness, beauty, and peace through music”.

Dr. Warrak emphasized the importance of the Elias Rahbani Academy joining the Balamand community, as this collaboration embodies the University of Balamand's conviction and belief in the role of higher education institutions in preserving the nation's heritage and cultural legacy. He added: "Today, we are not only honoring Elias Rahbani, but we are also honoring the presence of his art among us, an authentic and refined art that we miss in this era of chaos and artistic decline. Yes, it is our duty, as well as the duty of all cultural and educational institutions, to preserve this precious heritage and authentic legacy."

In turn, Mr. Ghassan Rahbani addressed a message to the soul of his late father, saying, "Today, we inaugurate the fourth institution of the Elias Rahbani Academy within the University of Balamand, but for the first time, we inaugurate your academy in your absence." He added, "I promise you, on my behalf and on behalf of the family, that we will always work to achieve the Lebanon you dreamed of and envisioned in your heart." He also expressed his great joy and pride in this collaboration with the University of Balamand, which primarily aims to revive Lebanon's cultural aspect by spreading culture across various levels.

The opening ceremony concluded with a tour of the academy. ​
