Closing Ceremony of the First Medical Congress 2023

29 April 2023

President Elias L. Warrak

At the
Closing Ceremony of the First Medical Congress 2023
Updates in Medicine

29 April 2023
Zakhem Auditorium

Dear Friend and Excellency Dr. Firas Abiad, Minister of Public Health Distinguished Guests, Esteemed Colleagues and Honored Participants,

It is with great pleasure that I see you all at the closing ceremony of the First Medical Congress organized by the University of Balamand. This event has been a great success, bringing together experts from different fields to discuss and exchange ideas on the latest advancements in internal medicine.

As the President of the University of Balamand, I feel humbled and honored by the presence of so many academic figures, and some are Balamand graduates, whose dedication has made this congress a reality. The range of topics covered during the congress was extensive, ranging from the latest advancements in medical research to innovations in patient care. It is a great opportunity to hear from experts in their respective fields, who have provided invaluable insights into their work and the current state of medicine.

The University of Balamand is committed to fostering an environment of learning, research, and innovation, and this medical congress is a testament to our commitment. It is our belief that the exchange of knowledge and ideas is the key to advancing medicine, and we are thrilled to have facilitated this through our congress.

As we conclude this congress, we must acknowledge the hard work and dedication of the organizers, volunteers, and participants. The success of this event would not have been possible without their tireless efforts and contributions.

I hope that this congress has been a valuable learning experience for all of us, and that it is the first step among many others. Once again we deeply appreciate the efforts made by our speakers coming all the way from the States to enrich our congress.

Being among you today make me feel the hope that we are striving to maintain in the hearts and minds of our students, the hope that our beloved Lebanon will definitely overcome this unprecedented crisis that we are going through the hope that our beloved Lebanon is here to stay.

Thank you.

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