White Coat Ceremony

16 June 2023

President Elias L. Warrak

At the
White Coat Ceremony

16 June 2023
Zakhem Auditorium

Esteemed Faculty Members,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

And most importantly, the outstanding medical students of the University of Balamand,

It is with great pleasure and immense pride that I stand here today as the President of the University, on this memorable occasion of the White Coat Ceremony. This event marks a significant milestone in the journey of our medical students as they embark on the noble pursuit of a career in medicine.

I will start with a simple question of Why do we, physicians, wear a white coat?

Actually, having a quick glimpse on the history of white coats for medical practitioners, we see that physicians until the late 19th century dressed themselves in black. That was because during that time, seeking medical advice was usually a last resort, and frequently a precursor to death. In fact, up to that point, virtually all of the concept of "medicine" entailed many worthless cures and much deception and quackery.

At the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th centuries, when medicine became the truly scientific enterprise, the "whiteness" or "pureness" of medicine became reflected in the white coat of physicians.

It is considered as the symbol of caring and hope that patients expect to receive from their physicians.

The first well-documented white coat ceremony was in 1989 at the University of Chicago after a professor complained to the Dean of Students that first-year medical students “were showing up in shorts and baseball caps.”

This ends this little historical overview of the white coat enigma and let us focus now on the real value and actual significance of the white coat. While donning the white coat is a sign of a changed role, the white coat is also a powerful symbol of transition: transition from the classroom to the clinic, from theory to practice, and from knowledge to healing.

Today, you put on the white coat, a symbol of your entry into the medical profession and a testament to your passion for healing, compassion, and the pursuit of knowledge. This white coat is not just a dress code; it carries with it the weight of responsibility and the power to make a difference in the lives of countless individuals.

With this white coat that gives you a powerful symbol of compassion and honor you are expected to display extraordinarily high levels of professionalism and empathy.

As you embark on this transformative journey, I urge you to remember the core values that define the medical profession—integrity, empathy, and lifelong learning. Your white coat is a reminder of the trust that society places in you, as you become the healers, the advocates, and the caregivers. Embrace this responsibility with humility, for it is a privilege to be entrusted with the well-being of others.

Throughout your coming years, you will witness the joy of successful healing as you will encounter the deception of failed treatment. You will definitely encounter massive challenges—from difficult diagnoses, to medical uncertainties, and definitely occasional setbacks. Embrace those challenges as opportunities for progress, for it is through adversity that resilience is born.

I encourage you to cultivate a lifelong love for learning as Medicine is an ever-evolving field, where new discoveries and breakthroughs are achieved every day. Embrace the spirit of intellectual curiosity, for it is this quest for knowledge that will keep you at the forefront of medical innovation. Never stop asking questions, never stop seeking answers, and never lose faith in the impact of your work on the lives of those you serve. In addition to academic excellence, I implore you to foster compassionate patient care. Your patients will come to you vulnerable, seeking not just your expertise but also your empathy and understanding. Look beyond the symptoms and diagnoses, see the suffering human behind the illness.

Treat each patient with kindness, respect, and dignity, for it is often the human connection that brings the most healing. Always remember that Medicine is not merely a science; it is the art to master the delicate balance between the intellect of the mind and the kindness of the heart.

As members of the University of Balamand medical community, you are not alone on this journey. You have a solid support system in our distinguished faculty members, who are leaders in their respective fields and who will guide you with their knowledge and wisdom. Seek their mentorship, engage in fruitful discussions, and embrace the opportunities to collaborate and learn from your peers.

Last but not least, remember to take care of yourselves. Medicine is a demanding profession, both intellectually and emotionally. Find relief in your passions outside of medicine, and lean on the support of your loved ones so you can be the best version of yourself for your patients, your community, and your country. (between parenthesis the latest study on burned out doctors showed the % is up to 42%).

As I conclude my remarks, I extend my deepest gratitude to your families and friends who have supported you throughout your journey. Their support, encouragement, and love have played an instrumental role in your success.

Finally, to the remarkable medical students of the University of Balamand, congratulations once again on this significant achievement. May your white coats carry the weight of your ambitions, the warmth of your compassion, and the promise of a brighter future.

A take home life time message is Primum non nocere


Thank you and god bless you all.
