Geohealth Hub Conference on Climate Change

22 June 2023

President Elias L. Warrak

At the
2nd GeoHealth Hub Conference on Climate Change and Health in the MENA Region

22 June 2023
Nahyan Auditorium
Excellency and dear friend Dr. Firas Abiad Minister of Public Health,

Distinguished Guest Speakers,


Ladies and Gentlemen,

I stand here today to address an existential matter of utmost importance – the intertwining challenges of our changing climate, its impact on health, and the pressing need for environmental and public health development. Together, we shall explore the critical link between climate change, health, and the urgent actions required to bridge the gaps and create a sustainable future through research, training, and capacity building.

Our Earth is undergoing profound transformations. Rising global temperatures, extreme weather events, and shifting climatic patterns are no longer distant concerns but pressing realities that demand our immediate attention. The consequences of climate change ripple through every aspect of our lives, touching upon health, economy, biodiversity, and the very foundations of our societies.

One of the most significant impacts of climate change is actually on human health. Heatwaves are becoming more intense, threatening vulnerable populations, particularly the elderly and those with pre-existing medical conditions. The spread of infectious diseases is amplified as changing weather patterns influence the distribution and behavior of disease vectors. The exposure to air pollution, exacerbated by climate change, contributes to respiratory and cardiovascular diseases. Rising sea levels endanger coastal communities, compromising access to safe drinking water and increasing the risk of waterborne illnesses. These are just a few examples of the complex web of health challenges we face due to climate change.

Furthermore, air pollution has reached alarming levels, jeopardizing both human and ecological well-being. Our ecosystems are now burdened by the strain of human activity.

To address these multifaceted challenges, we must identify the existing gaps and work towards comprehensive development in environmental and public health. Scientific research plays a pivotal role in unraveling the complexities of climate change and its consequences on human health. We need solid scientific investigations to propose evidence-based policies and interventions that mitigate climate-related health risks. Furthermore, research should focus on identifying adaptation strategies to enhance resilience against future climate impacts.

However, research alone is not enough. We must invest in training the next generation of environmental and public health professionals. Equipping them with the knowledge, skills, and tools necessary to confront climate change and its health ramifications is an investment in our collective future.

Collaborative partnerships among nations, organizations, and stakeholders are crucial in this endeavor, as they facilitate knowledge exchange, resource sharing, and coordinated actions.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The urgency of the matter at hand necessitates swift and decisive action. We must recognize that climate change is not solely an environmental issue, but a fundamental challenge to human health and well-being. By addressing the gaps and focusing on research, training, and capacity building in environmental and public health, we can pave the way for sustainable development and a resilient future.

Let us join hands, for it is only through collective efforts, innovation, and unwavering determination that we can create a geo hub of knowledge and action against climate change. Together, we have the power to shape a world where future generations can breathe clean air, drink safe water, and live in harmony with a climate that sustains life.

Thank you.
