Revive {Verb} restore to life or consciousness

The Lebanon we dream of, the Lebanon of Gibran Khalil Gibran, the Lebanon of Hassan Kamel Al Sabbah and Michael DeBakey, is definitely not the one we are living in at the moment. The Lebanon of today, is not the one we are struggling to stay and survive in.

Driven by the moral, ethical, and patriotic obligations towards our people and our country, The University of Balamand will always strive to be a positive contributor in the advancement of our nation. It is with that driving notion in mind that under the leadership and stewardship of Dr. Elias Warrak, UOB President, The International Forum on Lebanon Revival Plan “From Myth to Reality” is taking place.

A Three-day Seminar that will address the challenges of Lebanon’s Economic, Higher Education and Healthcare sectors. Making the shift from myth to reality, keynote speakers and panelists from leading local, regional, and international corporations and organizations will be coming together to share insights, expertise, and propose solutions in their respective fields.

With the Lebanese economy facing its toughest challenge, where the national currency is losing more than 90% of its value, businesses are struggling, major economic sectors have been severely affected by this crisis, what solutions can we come up with?
Education has become somewhat of a privilege. Schools are struggling to keep their doors open, while parents are desperately looking for means and ways to keep their children at school, or at university. In every nation the hope for a better future is the youth education. Are we willing to sacrifice the new generation?

Doctors nurses and other healthcare workers are leaving the country in search of a better future while hospitals try to manage their massive operations costs, medication supply, staff shortages all at the expense of national health care security. How long can this continue?

The International Forum on Lebanon Revival Plan seeks to propose solutions, plans and procedures that will revive Lebanon, bringing our beloved country back to life and helping in building a viable and sustainable future for all its citizens.
