OCTOBER 26, 2021

The MCR-IOE proudly join the multinational team to survey fishery resources in Lebanon

The MCR-IOE proudly join the multinational team to survey fishery resources in Lebanon

The Ministry of Agriculture in Lebanon with the support of the National Council for Scientific Research have partnered with the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean, to strengthen their collaboration towards responsible fisheries and sustainable aquaculture development in the eastern Mediterranean.

As part of this alignment, a scientific survey on fisheries off the Lebanese coast took place. The aim was to support the monitoring of fish stocks to better manage marine species of commercial value and assess the biodiversity and richness of marine life.

Joining the multinational team onboard the scientific ship, Dr. Manal Nader and Mr. Shadi El Indary from the Marine and Coastal Resources Program at the Institute of the Environment at the University of Balamand (MCR-IOE-UOB) took part in the trawling mission on October 5, 2021. The mission spanned from the coast of Tripoli to the Syrian border. Studies were conducted at 50m and 150m depth and the collected species were identified, sorted, measured, and dissected. ​
