MAY 17, 2023

International Recognition of Balamand Publications

International Recognition of Balamand Publications

We are delighted to announce that a book published by the Saint John of Damascus Institute Theology Publications at the University of Balamand has received international recognition and has been translated and published by the renowned Romanian's Basilica Publishing House.

The book, titled "The Mystery of Marriage Amid Deconstruction: A Dialogue Between Orthodox Anthropology and Postmodern Perspectives", authored by Fr. Bassam Nassif, was originally published in January 2022 in English. It was the fruit of the first PhD in Theology Dissertation work made at the University of Balamand.

The book explores social changes in the contemporary era, that have directly influenced human life and existence, especially the meaning of marriage. It initiates an interdisciplinary dialogue between postmodern perspectives on marriage and family on the one hand, and the vision of Orthodox anthropology on the other, discussing four relevant antinomic issues of Christian theology and postmodern thought as they relate to marriage: mystery, love, authority, and intimacy. This dialogue endeavors to contribute to the positive engagement of the Orthodox Church with the postmodern world.

In March 2023, the Romanian's Basilica Publishing House, known as the largest theological publishing house in Romania, released the translated version of the book. Basilica Publishing House is highly respected for producing textbooks used in the Faculties of Orthodox Theology at universities throughout Romania, adding further prestige to this recognition.

We extend our heartfelt congratulations to Fr. Bassam Nassif, for his outstanding achievement and for his valuable contribution to the field of theology. ​
