MAY 27, 2024

Green Skills for Green Economy Workshop at UOB

Green Skills for Green Economy Workshop at UOB

In collaboration with the Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment (IEMA), Deloitte Middle East organized a "Green Skills for a Green Economy" training program at the University of Balamand (UOB). This initiative aims to address the urgent need for sustainable practices across various professional landscapes.

The workshop provided students and faculty members with essential knowledge in environmental sustainability, including key concepts and emerging career opportunities in the green economy. Participants were encouraged to explore ways to enhance their green skills within their current roles or consider new career paths driven by the green transition.

By collaborating with Deloitte, UOB ensures that attendees receive expert guidance on navigating the complexities of sustainability in their respective fields. Notably, UOB was the first institution to host this training, which is proving to be of high added value to students and faculty members across all Middle Eastern countries. The workshop saw enthusiastic participation from over 50 attendees, including members from the Faculty of Business and Management and the Faculty of Engineering.

This successful program underscores the commitment of both institutions to preparing for a sustainable and thriving future, equipping the next generation of professionals with the skills needed to lead the green economy. ​
