MAY 28, 2024

Archimandrite Dean Jack Khalil at Prague Biblical Symposium

Archimandrite Dean Jack Khalil at Prague Biblical Symposium

Archimandrite Dean Jack Khalil contributed his expertise to a scholarly Biblical symposium hosted by Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic. This intellectual gathering, held in collaboration with the University of Passau, Germany, boasted the participation of esteemed academics from Germany, Canada, the United States, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Serbia, and Kyrgyzstan. Here, Archimandrite Jack presented a meticulously researched paper titled "Thorn in the Flesh, Angel of Satan" - an interpretation of 2 Corinthians 12:7. Following the symposium, Archimandrite Jack Khalil graciously accepted an invitation to give lectures to master's students of theology. Additionally, he engaged in constructive discussions with Professor Jiří Vogel, Dean of the Hussite Theological Faculty at Charles University in Prague, exploring avenues of academic collaboration. Notably, Dean Prof. Dr. Vogel expressed a keen interest in inviting professors from the Institute of Theology at the University of Balamand to impart their knowledge at the "Eastern Christianity" Institute, particularly emphasizing potential contributions to the doctoral program.

Furthermore, Archimandrite Jack Khalil humbly accepted an invitation extended by H.E. Archbishop Michael of Prague and the Czech Lands, who, in recognition of his scholarly endeavors, conferred upon him the Order of Saints Kirill and Methodios. This prestigious recognition marked the second commendation bestowed upon Archimandrite Jack Khalil by Archbishop Michael of Prague and the Czech Lands. ​
