JUNE 21, 2024

Conference on Romaïan Religious Architecture in Lebanon and Tribute to Alexis Boutros at ALBA

Conference on Romaïan Religious Architecture in Lebanon and Tribute to Alexis Boutros at ALBA

The Lebanese Academy of Fine Arts (ALBA) at the University of Balamand organized a conference titled "Romaïan Religious Architecture in Lebanon” with a special “Tribute to Alexis Boutros" on June 1, 2024, at the UOB Dekwaneh Campus.

This scientific meeting, held in collaboration with the Romaïan Cultural Society, focuses on the study of the development of Romaïan religious architecture in Lebanon over the past two thousand years. The event also included a special segment honoring Alexis Boutros, the founder of ALBA in 1943, recognizing his significant contributions to art and education in Lebanon.
