JUNE 25, 2024

Faculty of Engineering Leads Pioneering 3D Printing Research Showcased at ACTS Lab

Faculty of Engineering Leads Pioneering 3D Printing Research Showcased at ACTS Lab

Mohammad Gamlush, an MS student within the Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) Department at the Faculty of Engineering (FOE) at the University of Balamand (UOB), is pioneering experimental work that was recently showcased during a visit to the Advanced Construction Technology Services (ACTS) Lab in Beirut. Under the main supervision of Dr. Abdulkader El-Mir (Assistant Professor and UOB Student Chapter Advisor of the American Concrete Institute (ACI) at the CEE Department) and the co-supervision of Prof. Joseph Assaad (Associate Dean for Research and Innovation at FOE), Mohammad has successfully developed and validated several 3D printed concrete mixes, highlighting significant advancements in construction technology.

During the visit to the ACTS Lab, Mohamad, who is benefiting from a fully funded scholarship sponsored by ACTS and an active ACI student member, demonstrated the processes and impressive results of his research. Dr. El-Mir highlighted the importance of this research in revolutionizing construction practices, offering insights into the future applications of 3D printing in creating more efficient and sustainable building materials.

Professor Assaad further emphasized that this collaboration between ACTS and UOB highlights the critical role of industry-academia partnerships in driving forward technological advancements in Civil Engineering. This kind of research also aligns with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs 9 and 11), reflecting tFOE’s commitment to supporting innovative and cutting-edge research that is nurturing future talents within the field of Civil Engineering to help achieve a sustainable future.
