JULY 18, 2024

The University of Balamand Hosts SDG Day

The University of Balamand Hosts SDG Day

As per the directives of Dr. Elias Warrak, UOB President and council member at UN Global Compact Network Lebanon, the University of Balamand hosted an informative session on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on July 12, 2024 at the UOB main campus.

This session, exclusively tailored for UOB members, underscored the university's commitment to sustainability and provided valuable insights into the global goals and the best practices for their implementation.

Mrs. Deenah Fakhoury, the Executive Director at UN Global Compact Network Lebanon (UNGC), led the 2-hour interactive session that deepened the participants’ understanding of the SDGs and equipped them with practical knowledge to contribute to sustainability initiatives within the institution and beyond.

In her presentation, Mrs. Fakhoury highlighted the importance of the SDGs and discussed how each person could act as a change-maker in their immediate communities. The comprehensive session offered attendees a clear understanding of the global goals, emphasizing the role of individual contributions in achieving them.

The event, which was organized in collaboration with the UOB Career Services Center, marked a significant step in promoting the SDGs within the UOB community, aligning with the university's vision of fostering a sustainable future.
