DECEMBER 6, 2024

FOBM’s Business Connections Club Visits SOS Children’s Village and Orphanage

FOBM’s Business Connections Club Visits SOS Children’s Village and Orphanage

On May 10, 2024, the Faculty of Business and Management FOBM’s “Business Connections Club”, made a heartwarming visit to the SOS Children’s Village and Orphanage. Joined by FOBM staff members, the students aimed to foster social responsibility and compassion. This visit provided a valuable opportunity for members to actively engage in a charitable endeavor, emphasizing the importance of community support and empathy.

During the visit, the club presented the SOS residents with donations of food items and special gifts for each of the 41 children, carefully prepared to bring joy and warmth to their day. The club also arranged children’s entertainment, creating an interactive and memorable experience that brought smiles and laughter to everyone involved. Through this experience, club members and young SOS residents shared meaningful moments, strengthening bonds between the university community and the orphanage.

The club described the visit as an enriching experience that instilled a profound sense of gratitude and fulfillment, deeply enhancing their educational journey. Aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, the initiative promoted reduced inequality and fostered a culture of kindness and inclusivity. In recognition of their efforts, the Business Connections Club was honored with the Humanitarian Initiatives Award at the University of Balamand’s annual club awards ceremony.

