JUNE 20, 2024

University of Balamand Hosts Open Health Day at Dekwaneh Campus

University of Balamand Hosts Open Health Day at Dekwaneh Campus

The University of Balamand's Faculty of Health Sciences (FHS) successfully organized of its first Open Health Day at the Dekwaneh Campus. This collaborative event, held in partnership with the Mount Lebanon Hospital University Medical Center (MLHUMC) and supported by the Dekwaneh Municipality, attracted numerous visitors from the community and surrounding areas.

The event featured active participation from various departments and programs within the Faculty of Health Sciences, including nursing, public health, nutrition, and medical laboratory sciences. Each department showcased its expertise and played a crucial role in making the event a resounding success.

One of the highlights of the Open Health Day was the provision of free medical examinations by healthcare professionals from MLHUMC. Attendees had the opportunity to learn about various health related topics, including dermatology, ophthalmology, cardiovascular screening, and undergo a range of laboratory tests. Additionally, low-dose scan echo Doppler tests were available on-site, ensuring comprehensive health checkups for all participants. The event aimed to promote health education and raise awareness about chronic diseases and their early detection through routine checkups.

The Office of Student Affairs and various University clubs also contributed to the vibrant atmosphere of the Open Health Day. They organized a range of activities to entertain children and visitors, including kids' activities and live musical performances. This ensured that the event was not only informative but also enjoyable for attendees of all ages.

Overall, the Open Health Day at the Dekwaneh Campus was a testament to the successful collaboration between the University of Balamand, MLHUMC, and the local community. It underscored the importance of proactive health initiatives and highlighted the University's dedication to fostering a healthier society.
