Office of Advancement

Abo​ut us

Our mission
We cultivate, support, and engage with key constituents to advance the mission of the University by securing philanthropic donations and engaging with alumni and friends. Our role is to foster relationships that provide necessary resources to the University, its medical center and affiliates, and its students.

We plan and implement fundraising opportunities to secure and prioritize resources to support University of Balamand in its mission to “foster the principles of equity, tolerance and compassion” and to “graduate professionals who are well-rounded, critical thinkers, life-long learners, and active citizens in their respective societies”.

Why give to UOB?
Every gift matters to the University of Balamand. Your support means you believe in our mission and purpose. We can help you explore ways of how you can create positive change and give opportunities to students, patients and research.

Ways to give
Be part of our growing campuses by supporting our students and our scholarship programs. Your donation can change lives and benefit students and communities. Universities grow through your support and create social change and advance communities.

Annual giving:
The most common type of donations to the university are where the need is greatest. These donations are unrestricted in nature, but can be designated for specific use by the donor.

Matching Gifts
If you are working for a company that provides matching gifts, please check with your employer if they match your contribution to University of Balamand.

Planned Giving
Do you plan to give to UOB in the future? You can keep UOB in your will. This will help keep your legacy for generations to come.

Individual Giving
If you wish to support the University and need help to explore options, please contact our office:

Donor-funded Scholarships:
Donor-funded scholarships are essential for supporting our students. Donors opt to support multiple disciplines and offer financial support mainly based on need but also based on merit. The university believes that no student should be deprived from receiving the Balamand experience and education if any financial obstacle is the problem. You may choose to establish an annual scholarship or an endowed scholarship that will keep your legacy in perpetuity.

Office of Advancement
Ignatius Hall (Administration Building), 2nd floor
Kelhat, El Koura, Lebanon